Paling rajin tag aku Liya aka Mama Hannan & Nuha yang debam debum hihihi
Ko tag aku 2 Qs kan, aku wat yang ni je, sbb lagi satu tu dah buat (here the link)
Please copy the following rules in your post (as usual)
1. You have to point out 5 romantic movies that you would love to share with your loved ones.
2. It doesn’t have to be in order.. as long as you love the movies, it will be fine.
I heart romantic comedy!!!!!
Ko tag aku 2 Qs kan, aku wat yang ni je, sbb lagi satu tu dah buat (here the link)
Please copy the following rules in your post (as usual)
1. You have to point out 5 romantic movies that you would love to share with your loved ones.
2. It doesn’t have to be in order.. as long as you love the movies, it will be fine.
I heart romantic comedy!!!!!
Meg Ryan, Reene Whiterspoon, Mandy Moore, Nicole Kidman
owwwhhhhh really LOVEEEE them.

kiter kena erk mama zara..jap nanti kiter wat erkk..kena flash back jap muvi apa kiter dah tengok
yati, nanti nurul buat yek...coz skang ni xde masa nak cari2 gambar tu..hehehe
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