jangan kata nak korek, nak pegang hidung pun tak leh..
berair mata, pedih huhuhuhu.
korang pernah kena tak jerawat dalam hidung ni??!!
camne nak buang jerawat ni, sakit la :(

ni ada artikel ingin dikongsi bersama kawan2. tuk diriku jua huhu
Article from ultimate-cosmetics.
Reducing the Chance of Nose Pimples
Since pimples inside the nose are difficult to reach, treating nose pimples without the aid of topical ointments or oral antibiotics is almost impossible. Therefore, it is a far better idea to focus on preventing the pimples from breaking out inside your
nose instead of treating them after they develop.
There are seven things you can do to improve your lifestyle which will not only help prevent irritating pimples from breaking out inside your nose, but it will also help improve your overall health and give you an improved outlook on life.
1.The first step is to improve your eating habits. Eating fruits and vegetables will help improve the condition of your skin because of the vitamins and minerals in the food. You can start out small by drinking a smoothie once a day or at least having one serving of vegetables with at least one of your daily meals. To improve your snacks consider eating nuts since these are a good source of minerals that will help your skin.2.Almost the same as eating habits it is important to improve your water intake. Making sure you get enough water will help clear up your skin and help prevent the dead skin cells that come with dehydration which in turn leads to clogged pores and painful pimples.
3.Increase the levels of probiotics in your system. Antibiotics can be bad
for your skin because they chase bacteria to the skin where they become clogged in the pores. Probiotics is good bacteria that your body naturally produces. You can increase this amount by eating extra honey, onions, artichokes or bananas.4.When it comes to applying products on your skin try to use only products that contain natural ingredients. Many cosmetics and soaps that you use on your face contain ingredients that will cause your pores to become clogged and lead to pimples. One of the best ingredients that you can have in your products is tea tree oil which helps reduce the bacteria in your skin.
5.One of the biggest causes of acne breakouts is stress. When you are under stress your hormones get out of balance which causes the oils on your skin to increase. One of the best ways to get rid of stress is to exercise. In addition to reducing stress, exercise will help increase you blood flow which improves your skin. 6.Eating less sugar and refined carbs such as white breads, pasta and rice will help reduce the amount of oil your skin produces. So reducing the intake of these products will help much in the same way that reducing stress will.
7.Finally you should increase your exposure to the sun and fresh air. This will help increase the amount of Vitamin D that your body produces which will help clear your skin.
Ini plak dari pemahaman perubatan china ;)
Article from China.org
Acne location and related possible problems
Location: Forehead
Possible problem: Heart and small intestine
Suggestion: Eat heat-dispelling foods such as lotus seeds soup to get rid of
heat in the heart; have enough sleep, control your temper and maintain a good
Location: Between the eyebrows
Possible problem: Heart
Suggestion: Avoid intense physical exercise and over-fatigue; maintain a good mood.
Location: Tail of brows
Possible problem: Gallbladder
Suggestion: Eat less greasy foods and have more heat-dispelling foods such as bitter cucumber.
Location: Nose
Possible problem: Stomach and digestive system
Suggestion: Eat less "hot" foods and more plain foods that can help dispel pathogenic heat such as green beans.
Location: Bridge of nose
Possible problem: Spinal column
Suggestion: Don't sit for too long; stretch your body often.
Location: Side of the nose wings and between the nose and mouth
Possible problem: Reproductive system
Suggestion: Check and treat the problem such as regulating menstrual period.
Location: Right cheek
Possible problem: Lungs and large intestine
Suggestion: Eat more foods that help nourish the lungs such as pear and white fungus; eat less seafood, tropical fruits and drink less alcohol.
Location: Left cheek
Possible problem: Liver and gallbladder
Suggestion: Eat less greasy foods and have more vegetables and fruit and have enough sleep.
Location: Corner of mouth
Possible problem: Intestines
Suggestion: Eat less "hot" foods and move bowels regularly.Location: Chin
Possible problem: Kidney and internal secretion
Suggestion: Eat more plain foods than stimulating foods like spicy, fried or greasy ones. Take enough rest.
mmg x suka kalo jerawat naik dlm hidung..sakit tuh..
masa remaja dulu jer jerawat selalu naik..skang kalo stres jer baru naik..huhuhu
Adoyai...sakit tuh nek jrwt kat idung...sian akak...kalu nk picit pun sakit...kalu zati, slalu amik air bwg putih sapu kat idung... ;p
eemmmm payah kan klu ada jerawat dlm hidung ni
ting tong
ape kabar tuan rumah? lama sha x singgah cni. zara sihat yati?
pimples nie nk elak senang je jgn mkn bede bminyak.. tp kalo ari2 mkn bede rebus mau mgigil badan nie
mmg sakit jerawat dlm hidung....huhu..
dpt info baru for today...thx yat..jerawatku disemua kawasan yg tersebut..huhu,sadis..byknye masalah dlmn..
erk..sakitnyer..saya pon tak tahu nak rawat cemane kalau kena..harap2 cepatla jerawat tu pecah.
tak pernah kena, tp naik kat atas hidung pun sakit, inikan pulak kat dlm kan!
saya pun x suka kalau jerawat menyerang.. :(
tak suka jerawat gak..
jerawat kat muka ni dah menternak dah..tapi lam hidung lom penah kena. ada orang kena kat telinga gak kan..
salam aidilfitri yati..
pernah kena...mmg sakit woooo :D
pergh mmg sakit..tmabah kalu tgh gatal n terpicit..adeii meleleh air mata:
sakit tuh. has biasa jerawat menyerang time nk dekat bulan purnama! faktor hormon kut..
uyyai revision yg mantoppp
musti sakit kalau nk sujud kan...adei
samalah.. xsuka & sakit & benci :(
ubatnye sabar je laa kakak
wah, boleh meleleh airmata kalau 'ter'kena
jerawat di hidung adalah memalukan.. hahaha
sungguh la ko rajin mengkaji cerita jerawat ni yati..hehe..
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