I've been tagged from a women call MamaZana, yang mana dia baru je habis study (Degree in Accounting)..congratssss mamazana...
Here the taq Q begins:
1. Do u think u are HOT?
Yup I’m hot in my hubby eyes. Hihihi
2. Upload a fav pic of you

3.Why do u like this picture?
The day I become a wife of a man called ZAFARIS.
4. When was the last time u ate pizza?
Yesterday – Dominos Pizza. Extravaganzza Pizza. nyummyyyyyyy
5. The last song u listen too?
Kaer – Bukan Kasihku
6. What are u doing right now besides this.
Listen HOT Fm
7. What name u prefer besides yours?
Adik (nickname at Univ); TK (nickname at school)
8. People to tag:
1) Nur Hidayah
2) Liza
3) Idajer
4) Ismi
5) Anyone…
9. Who is no.1
My best friend in Univ. aka roommate in 2nd semester.
10. No.3 is having relationship with?
My virtual friend. She just win the Gin & Jacqie’s bag (argghhhh jeles2x)
11. Say something about no.5
If u like this tag, please do so…hihihi
12. How about no.4?
The bestest akak in the opis..yeahhhhh
13. Who is no.2
Another my virtual friends. Love to read her blog.
cantik in blue..sweet je
gojes pic dear.
hi yati! dah jawab dah tag itew!!hehe..tq!ohh, pic itu mmg cantik sgt!
thanks dear... nice n sweet pic.
tq tq tq
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