Here I wanna share with uolss, since ada yang tanye bout this programme.
I already enrolled Zara in Tumble Tots under GYMBABES category.
GymBabes is from 6 months to walking since Zara pun cannot walking yet. Kalau dah bole jalan shes will undergo Tumble Tots category.
Fee structure for GymBabes:
Enrolment: RM20
Annual membership: RM80
Deposit: RM100
Quarterly Term Fee: RM285
Total: RM485
RM485 tu bayar sekali jer, then for 2nd,3rd and 4th quarter pay RM285 only.
When u register for membership, u entitled to get
1) bag
2) t-shirt
3) CD Song
4) books
5) etc..
tapi semua ni nanti akan dapat bila join 1st class nanti. Sbb kat t-shirt dia will printed child name..Coolkan.
a) massage/ exercise - tuk gerakkan otot/muscle (byk betul massagenye hihi)
b) singing - for listening and language skills (lagu pun byk nyanyi, joget2 Zara ni sabar je la)
c) playing - develop vital physical skills (balance, climbing, co-ordination skills) and build confidence level. Expose new thing to learn. Use and utilize semua toy n equipment yang ada tuk dia explore.
Environment sangat2 cosy and of course fun. Takde la rasa dok cam pasar malam.. ada ke kena mengena hahahah ntahhapehape merapu mummy ni huhuhu
Itu la pun nak expose tuk baby kan nak wat camne lagi.. takkan nak ajar ABC or 123 plak. Blom masa dia lagi hihihi....Saja masukkan Zara supaya dia takde la boring kan hari2 ngadap muka Mummy and Daddy dia heheheh
TTs branches:
OU, Subang Parade, The Curve, Ampang, Kepong, Prima Tanjung, Bayan Lepas (details refer their website ya!!)
* To Mummy Dania and Mama Syira, hopefully this info will answer your Q. =)
salam singgah dari yanie....
::_Yanie Putrajaya_::
TQ dear.. aisei, ai lupa la.. awat la x terpikir nak check out diaorg punya website... TQ2 somuch...
yanie: singgah la selalu :)
mummy dania: info tu sket je.. nak details kena tgk web or visit their branch k.
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