HI , I dulu pernah jadi Tumb tots teacher part time.These are what I observed: firstly, the classes teach the kids to know their body part better on coordination and body movements. they are more aware with body mobility. So every station teaches them the use of different parts of their body confidently. Helps to build their confident and social ettiquette. And also, it teaches them about safety on how to use the props properly. E.g like climbing a ladder, they teach the kids to climb properly and improve their feet and hand coordination. So you will not worry of your kid hurt himself.
What you can do , you can call them up ask for trial classes which is free. So you can test your child if he will like it or not. they have different classes for different age groups.
wahh bagus2 ade plan nk hantar zara kat learning centre, its good for her development. my sis tp dia kat singaporelah..hantar anak2 dia2 learning centre jgk n mmg nmpak improvenment tau. buildup self confidence jgk to th kids. tp kat sini im not very sure. penah nmpak bt forgot kat mana ;p
hi hayati, thanx for visiting my blog, feel free to visit okay, zara is soooo cute ..she's already 1yr old?salam kenal jua..
i tag u la dear...
thanks for visiting us :-)
baby u cute la
x tahu pula psl centre baby2 kecik ni
mnje la zara ni...
xpe zara practice dr skrg...sok nk kwin snang kn...he3
Singgah sat
HI , I dulu pernah jadi Tumb tots teacher part time.These are what I observed: firstly, the classes teach the kids to know their body part better on coordination and body movements. they are more aware with body mobility. So every station teaches them the use of different parts of their body confidently. Helps to build their confident and social ettiquette. And also, it teaches them about safety on how to use the props properly. E.g like climbing a ladder, they teach the kids to climb properly and improve their feet and hand coordination. So you will not worry of your kid hurt himself.
What you can do , you can call them up ask for trial classes which is free. So you can test your child if he will like it or not. they have different classes for different age groups.
ish, ish...cute sungguh, geramnyer nengok si zara nih! hehe
ala yati, no idealah. kena survey jugak nih...
wahh bagus2 ade plan nk hantar zara kat learning centre, its good for her development. my sis tp dia kat singaporelah..hantar anak2 dia2 learning centre jgk n mmg nmpak improvenment tau. buildup self confidence jgk to th kids. tp kat sini im not very sure. penah nmpak bt forgot kat mana ;p
hehe..nak sekolah dah ker?..antar shichida class la..he3
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